Шлюзовый затвор для пневматической транспортировки MP series

Шлюзовый затвор для пневматической транспортировки MP series

Производитель: Bühler Group
Bühler Group
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The blow-through airlock MPSH is used to feed powdery to fine-grained, free-flowing bulk materials directly into the conveying lines of pneumatic suction conveying systems and pneumatic pressure conveying systems. It has a wide range of applications with maximum operating temperatures up to 140 °C.

The discharge airlock MPSJ is used to discharge powdery to fine-grained bulk materials from separators or pneumatic conveyors. It has a wide range of applications with maximum operating temperatures up to 220 °C.

The tangential airlock MPSK serves to feed as well as discharge fine-grained to granular materials. It has a wide range of applications with maximum operating temperatures up to 220 °C.

The discharge airlock MPST is used for discharging bulk material downstream of filters, cyclone separators and bins. The airlocks not only meet the highest hygiene standards, but also feature a very sturdy design and a high operational reliability.

The blow-through airlock MPSS ensures a direct product feed into pneumatic conveying lines. The airlocks not only meet the highest hygiene standards, but also feature a very sturdy design and a high operational reliability.
Место применения для пневматической транспортировки
Тип с квадратным сечением, с продуваемыми альвеолами, тангенциальный
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